The floor man has been working away for 2 days grinding the concrete floor and it looks great. It will get lighter as it dries but he did about 7 different lots of grinding back and vacuuming it. Last night we couldn't walk on it as he had put some sort of coating but now it's all finished and ready for the painter to come back and finish the inside walls. So we are nearly there. I think Ian is secretly packing up my stuff to move me in and hopefully I will be by April.
The pics are of the floor looking all shiny. Polished concrete has a great finish and the man tells us it doesn't scratch and is easy to look after. Sounds just right for me. The close up shows the detail of the concrete.

Yesterday I went to a morning workshop on using the Husq Fabric Decorator programme. I want to create my own motifs to use in my work - it was a good workshop and I have been spending a little more time on it at home but like everything you have to do it regularly. Too many things to think about and not enough time to do them all.
I love that floor Dale. Difficult to believe it's concrete, your workman was an expert at that.
It would be rather cold in the UK, but lovely and cool for you in OZ.
The concrete apparently absorbs the warmth - it's not like a big slab of cold grey concrete but has all these lovely stones in it. It should get lighter as it dries - we are going to have some matching pebbles somewhere outside. Should be cool in winter and warm in summer
HI Dale, I love the look of polished concrete, and it is a great hardy surface, the room looks great. I opted for carpet, as it gets pretty cold up here in the hills in Melbourne. I look forward to seeing picks of the room when it's setup.
Hi Dale, I cant wait to see it all full of "stuf"! Looks fantastic and so easy to clean I would imagine. You can always put down a rug if you need to. (Been jolly cold here the last few mornings) Penny in Victor Harbor
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