Wow - I must have hit a nerve with so many emails about an online embellisher class. So I will be running one starting 4th June for 6 weeks. Email me if you are interested in knowing when it is up on our website - shouldn't be too long - I am pretty excited about it - it be not so traditional and involve hand and machine stitch and plenty of enrichment. And of course there will be a Yahoo group for you to share your ideas and ask questions.

This is my M for Holiday quilt (?) - it missed out on being selected so I can pop it here now.
We are having lovely Autumn weather - crispish in the mornings and night and lovely during the day
I would love to be on the mailing list for your embellisher online class. Thanks Love carol T
Hi Dale
Love your site. I like what you are doing with the embellisher. I am going to try to take your internet class. I am too guilty of not spending enough time with my embellisher.Please let me know more about your class.
You are one of the few people I have run across that has read The secret Life by Brassai. I always thought that was an interesting period of time. There is another book about Storyville, New Orleans and the photographs of Beloque, you would probably find intersting
I have recently started a blog too. Would love to have you visit:
Linda in Wyoming
Hi! Dale,
I love your quilt a shame it wasn't selected.
I so wish I had an embellisher to do your online workshops, but i dont get enough time to work on the machine I have.
Hope the workshops are a resounding success!
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