Back from our week in Sydney - very very humid every day. The sailing was great apart from the problems which Grant had - boat delaminating and spreaders and trapeze wire breaking. But they had a brilliant day when they led for 2/3rds of the race and came second.
On the Rugby front, the Hurricanes won for the third week in a row but the Western Force still needs lots of local support and more experience and no more injuries.
On the home front, not much. The painter has painted one coat inside the studio and the trims outside - just as well we are not having to camp in the back garden.
Congrats to Grant!
Sorry even though the Welsh are supposed to be mad about Rugby, I'm no help to you there(s)
Your painter need's a kick up the backside perhaps?
neverv knew sailing involved so much wine drinking ;-) I must investiagte this as a new hobby!
Hi Dale,
Nice to see someone else from this part of the world - we're a bit underrepresented on the blog front. I llok forward to seeing some of your work.
Shirley in New Zealand
PS I love the Hundertwasser house. Kiwis love him. My son is studying architecture and is collecting some of his prints.
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