This is another H house I have made which will bear fruition in June with the others - they are all part of a book. I am working on a new collection of machine threads - this lot is called The Artists Collection and believe it or not, the first colour is Hundertwasser. For any artist it is difficult to select their 5 colours which is what makes up a variegated for me, but I have chosen these colours for this thread. Have to get onto the next ones soon. Thinking Van Gogh for number 2.
Pleased to say the humidity has run away today and both of us have more energy - starting to think we were worn out yesterday. Paul, the architect, came and gave us jobs to do for the studio so we have chosen the paint and Ian has been out painting samples. Then we have to choose the door handle but I was brain dead after all the things that make up the door handle. Glad we are not building a house. Hopefully the painter will come and start tomorrow.
Lovely Dale - really like this piece, can't wait to see the book.
I can't wait to see the book either Dale, but suppose we must. The threads sound yummy and a set of them all from different artist's pallette. Wow. I will have to save all my pennies for Ally Pally!
Hi Dale,
Beautiful! Helen
Wonderful colours Dale, look forward to seeing the book
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