I will add some more pics after my lovely breakfast coffee made as usual by Ian, to show the wonderful flowers Grant has sent and my tagine from Ian - some Morrocco coming up next week. I don't seem to feel any different - just as well - too many more things to do and places to visit.

Here are my beautiful flowers from Grant -

and my Tagine from Ian (along with a big bag of new pegs - after about 10 years I can throw out the grotty old broken ones...)
Ian and Bruce and I are off to Darlington Estate for a birthday lunch later on.
I do have a big give-away - a basket full of 60 items from The Thread Studio and also including a little piece of my work. If you leave a message today I will have Bruce pull it out of a hat on Friday.
Wishing you a very, very Happy Birthday Dale.
Luckily things don't suddenly change on certain dates. The gradual, day by day changes are easier to cope with. Think of it as a wonderful milestone to have reached - I did.
Enjoy your special day!
Here's to your sixtyeth year!!! Wonderful milestone...(for someone else LOL). But I'm getting there...actually, I FEEL it, but am not there yet. ENjoy the celebrations with family and friends.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DALE!!!!!! 60!!!!!!
I turned sixty this year too and I still think I am only 29 inside!!!
LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH!!!!!! Linda
Wishing you a wonderful relaxing (and hopefully not humid) birthday Dale! It was my husband's 64th yesterday and I can assure you he would love it to have only be his 60th!! Can't resist joining in your give-away either.
Cheers, Debbi
Congratulations on the BIG SIX O.
You are only a 'spring chicken' yet. Another 10 years and you can be an 'old boiler' like me!! You are only as old as you feel.
Best wishes Mavis
Happy Birthday Dale! Glad I found your blog!
Happy birthday! I think the others are right, you are only as old as you feel on the inside.
Thanks for the birthday giveaway.
Happy Birthday Dale! I know you will enjoy your day celebrating with your family - lovely to also share with the giveaway for those of us who keep tabs on you regularly!
Happy birthday Dale! What a great gift, a tajine. You will be able to create the most delicious dishes!
Happy Birthday Dale - I have three more to go to catch up to you! Have a great day.
Hi Dale, as I write this you will be at lovely Darlington Estate Winery - it is so pretty up there and good food. Have a very happy 60th birthday and enjoy being spoilt. We have a tagine and I love cooking in it as it keeps the food moist and lots of lovely juices also a Moroccan cook book that I gave my husband to use; guess who has ended up experimenting with it!! Anyway, enjoy the day.
Happy Birthday and Happy Easter, if you celebrate that holiday. My mom always says birthdays are just another day - it's what you do with them that counts.
Happy birthday Dale! I thought of you when I was back in Warkworth last week and paid a visit to Morris & James.
Many happy returns Dale.
Hi Dale,
Hope you have had a great birthday!! And thanks for the rugby scores. I see Virginia dobbed me in. I thought I was so clever knowing all about it from your blogsite.
Here in Wellington it is a magnificient day - still, blue, warm and gorgeous.
Happy Birthday Dale,
Im glad you have enjoyed it so far. I hope the rest will be as great. Thankyou for sharing your birthday with everybody else. I am looking forward to finding out more of Holey Moley also.
Have a Happy and Creative rest of the Year Love Jenny
Happy Birthday Dale. Looking forward to the ratty tatty papers class. It's a lovely morning here in Scotland
Congratulations Dale. No we all think we are 20 something still no matter. It is how you feel that matters. The numbers don't really "count"! It seems to be the week for big events. Little Isabelle will be a week old tomorrow! And I know 3 others who have a special day this week.
Heather Mc
Happy Birthday to a fellow Arian... (My B'day was last Sunday...the 5th).
Have a truly splendid day. Gorgeous flowers and I am sure the Tagine will get a good workout in the weeks to come.
Cheers B
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
I heard that 40 is the new 20 so I reckon that 60 must be the new 30.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Happy birthday Dale! You have a great attitude and remember - you're only as old as you feel! These days, 60 is the new 50... 50 is the new 40, etc etc. We are all lucky to live in an age of "middle-aged youth" - we have the best of all worlds - energy AND wisdom!
Have a wonderful day/weekend.
Happy Birthday Dale - hope you have a wonderful day - you certainly deserve it!!
Love Viv XXX
happy birthday dale. Hope darlington estate was yummy it usually is.
Happy Birthday Dale!! Hope you have a really lovely day. Do keep your old pegs - they could become an art piece?? :-)
happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday to yooooooouuuuu,happy birthday to you,
somewhat better than my singing, have a great day :-)
Happy 60th Birthday Dale
Happy Birthday Dale..may you have 60 more years of wonderful creating, thanks again for all the inspiration, have a fab day,
Diane L, who is very bored of still being in plaster!!!!
Happy birthday Dale - hope you have a great day and make the most of being 60. I love reading your blog and seeing your latest work - keep up the interesting posts and inspiration.
Vicki from a very grey and damp part of England who's wishing it was warm and sunny like Perth.
Happy Birthday Dale!! Hope you're having a well deserved rest and enjoying yourself. I@m really enjoying seeing your stone book - I love the fabric books you make. COuld that be the topic of an online class|?
Happy Birthday Dale. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday Dale. 60 is just a number, just enjoy them all. Hope you had a lovely day.
Congratulations on being 60 years young, Dale! Two years into the 'other side' I can guarantee that life only gets richer. Happy Birthday and best wishes for many more, Carol McGill.
A very Happy Birthday to you Dale - hope you have a lovely day. What gorgeous flowers and a super tagine which suggests many tasty suppers to come. I would love to be included in your giveaway draw, please. Hope you all have a super lunch and less humidity. I have just had to type 'bonsa' in the word verification box - very apt!!
Hope you have a happy, happy day and fizz throughout your 60s and beyond, continuing to be fabulous and creative and wearing the REDDEST of shoes.
Happy Birthday Dale,wishing that this year is the best yet. ValerieM
21 again!! Happy birthday Dale.
I assume the pegs are for holding textile stuff together and not for boring stuff like washing.
Happy Birthday Dale- hope you have a splendid day.
Congratulations! I hope you have a super day of celebrating. I'm glad your family are making it so special but I always think that you are as old as you feel and you always seem so energetic that I'm sure you are just 21 again!
Congratulations and celebrations!!!60 is great, you look great, and your creativity is amazing. Love your colors and textures and also enjoy your blog. I hope your day today was all you wanted it to be. Best wishes to you and your family
Wishing you the happiest birthday ever, Dale. You are definitely very young for your age. Happy Easter, too. Lots of love,xxx
Happy Birthday Dale. Useful quotation from Margaret Atwood: "I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise."
Happy Birthday. The 60's are doable. I don't feel any different.
Have a great day.
hope you have enjoyed your day - i was 60 in december - I only feel old when they talk about the elderly on the news and I realise they mean me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday Dale, enjoy your day :)
Happy Birthday Dale. I hope you had a wonderful lunch to match the beautiful flowers you received. You look a wonderful 60.
Happy Birthday Dale! You look like a 'bella bambina.'
Many happy returns Dale, I'm the same in September!
Happy Birthday Dale, I just recently found your blog. It fills in for the times between seeing you at FoQ and Knitting and Stitching!
Have a great celebration1
Sandy Snowden in the UK
Many happy returns Dale. It really does get better from here on, two years ahead of you!
Happy Birthday, Dale. As long as you have good health and are happy doing everything you do, the number is not important. I try not to look in a mirror very long, because I don't even know that person. So put on your red shoes and skip along the yellow brick road. Enjoy!!!
Welcome to the Swinging Sixties, Dale! Once upon a time that seemed pretty old. Funny how our perspective changes, huh?! Happy birthday.
What a wonderful way to celebrate such a milestone. Hope you have the best day with lots of great food and wine.
Best regards
Age is only a number. I hope you had a wonderful wonderful day. Love the tangine, I have often thought that I need one for my kitchen, let us know how you go with it.
Wow, Dale, sounds like you are going to have a fabulous day - you are only a spring chicken yet, lots more years of creativity left in you!! Happy birthday from Robin
Hi Dale, a day late to be included in your draw, but I hope you had a fabulous day yesteray. Gee I think I would have known your childhood photo was you if I'd seen it in a lineup, VBG. You've hardly changed at all ! I know what you mean about not feeling any different despite yet another birthday, I'm only a few years behind you and in my mind I'm still about 30. A shame about the body though, LOL!!! Here's hoping we both have quite a few more years in us yet, I haven't even dented my fabric and notions stash and I keep buying more stuff at Craft Shows!!
Christine McKenna
Many happy returns for your 60th.
Hope you have many more adventures to come.
Happy Birthday Dale. Hope you have a wonderful day. What a wonderful tagine. I've always wanted one, maybe that's what I'll have to ask for on my next birthday. Second thoughts something quilty is always the first choice. I would love to be entered into your big giveaway. Fingers crossed. Best wishes, Michelle in North Queensland
A bit late for your giveaway, but so glad you had a great 60th birthday. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. May there be many more birthdays and creative time in the future.
Shit girl how come I missed this great day---Happy Birthday Dale--I can assure you that being 60 is great because you can claim to know almost everything and who's going to argue with you--no-one because they are all younger that you--except me that is.
I'll be the big 7o next year :-]
Late birthday greetings Dale! I'm sure turning the big 60 won't slow you down any. Best wishes for lots more good things to come.
Belated happy birthday, I too will celebrate my 60th this year. 1949 was obviously a vintage year in NZ!
Karen M
A belated Happy Birthday Dale. Sorry I have been on nights and just catching up on blogland. Hope you had a fantastic day.
A late Birthday Greeting Dale from here in the Desert. Hope youhad a great day and many more to come!
Hi, just found your blog and didnt want to leave without wishing you a
VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all the best for the coming years. Paula
Oh Dale!!! I had the date on my calendar, promptly stuck my head in gel medium and now it's Wednesday. Wanted to add my birthday wishes to the multitudes of fans. The tagine looks wonderful, the Cuisine mag has some fab recipes for it.
Take care, have an awesome year.
Hope you had a lovely birthday Dale. I can't wait to see the creations you make in your Tagine.
Well I know I am late vut fingies have had the old tremors. I hope you had a great day - now I kknow what too expect.
love Jenny and Peter
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