My little effort for today - I have been on a slow-go - it must be the holiday season or the hot weather or something. This is one of my two pieces for the Quilt Convention in Melbourne - almost all on the embellisher. Having fun with these little houses. The size is 40cm x 30cm. I am not one for mega quilts...... The second one will be about the same.
Our sequins and threads and Zap Cloth are still on the wharf in Fremantle. For over a week so we won't see them until middle of next week - we hope. It amazes me the way this country closes down - apart from the mega shops having their sales (the ones they didn't have all the rest of the year.....)
In the paper it gave the post office opening days. Today they were closed except for the GPO and some 'main' ones. As ours is a Central Business Sorting Centre, you might imagine it would be an opening one but not so. Ian was going to have to go into the GPO - not easy for parking and lugging but we decided to put everything into red bags so he could post in the boxes. In their wisdom our branch has decided that from 1st Jan it will now close at 5pm instead of 5.30pm. Currently we do the mail so that Ian can whizz down at 5.20 so now it will mean we will have to start a half hour earlier and we won't be able to do those special late orders any more. Sorry folks - you will have to email by 4pm now at the latest. I am waiting to hear about the chaos at 2 minutes to 5pm from now on.
I also read in the NZ Herald that there is no mail to be delivered next Wed due to lack of demand. How do they know what is going to be a lack of demand? Can't get our heads around that one......
My art to wear for 2007 is underway - one cami almost finished and the bolero underway. Decided to make my own pattern up after all of that - this is my tv knitting.
The other night we went out with Frank and Sarina to That Mexican Place in North Perth - highly recommend it - really good Mexican food and service to match.
hi. saw your beautiful dress in quilting arts and have been charmed.
i thought " all textilers have blogs don't they, isn't that how we maintain human contact in our lives..."
and sure enough, there you were.
lovely spot. and very beautiful work.
happy holidays.
Hi Dale - love the houses and hearts - can you tell me what size it is? It is hard to gauge from the photo?
Happy New Year - and yes, what the hell was Aust Post doing giving itself a holiday on Friday? I got caught too, trying to get my sister's birthday present off to her.
Hi Dale,
I love the houses & hearts piece I see on your blog. Can you share how you did this? It is absolutely beautiful! I love it.
thank you.
Shelley G.
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