The latest Cloth Paper Scissors arrived late this afternoon and we managed to get all the subscription ones out - rest tomorrow so all the lucky people on the list should have them by Christmas. One thing about the mags - they go as letters and they often seem to get wherever they are going overnight. Plus at this time of the year, the postal service seems to extend itself and be extremely efficient. We are still very busy but 99% of the orders are express post for obvious reasons. Should be slower on Thursday so I can do my christmas shopping.....
As I type away in the studio, the Salvation Army are out doing their yearly Christmas Carol playing. They have a hostel over the road and this has been a yearly event since we came here.
I like the traditional things about Christmas which seem to be politically incorrect these days. Goodness knows what will happen to our cultural history....
Read that the Tallis Scholars are coming back to Aust with a tour in Feb so I whipped on the internet and got almost the last tickets. I would have cried if we had missed them.
Like everywhere else in Australia I expect, it is very hot and humid here, and to be so right through. When we came to Perth in 1978 it was hot but not humid - now we feel like we are in Singapore watching a video of Perth. Ian and I go for our morning walk as early as we can (not together) before we melt from the heat - not that melting would hurt me.
I got the netting for my camisole and have started a tiny bit of embellisher stuff. Then I discovered the mags had arrived. It looks like a good issue - Lutradur is featured and I am waiting impatiently for mine to arrive. The 100kilos of sequins arrived at the wharf yesterday and hopefully we will get them before Christmas. If you want to know what 100kilos of sequins looks like (and I have no idea....) then we will have a pic for you to see. Not sure where we are going to store them yet. Didn't get a chance to put the christmas tree up - tomorrow.....
Off to dinner with Malachy and Eva, our Irish mates.
Hi Dale, we are off to Kangaroo Island tomorrow early thank goodness, we are supposed to get rain, I hope so as the garden has been wilting in the heat.Only 5 days but we plan to eat good food, drink lots, walk, sleep and generally enjoy ourselves. My embellisher arrived today wouldnt you know, so I will take the dvd to the Island with me but have some hand sewing and paints to go on with and one sock to finish, 5 days wont be enough, then I get to have a go at MY embellisher. Hurry up with that book. I can still catch up on peoples blogs, I hope with the new laptop, but cant scan. Hope you and Ian and family have happy, joyous and loving Christmas.
I've only just found your blog, Dale, but I have been a fan of your work for some time so this little find is a bonus for me. Cloth Paper Scissors is one of my absolute favourite mags, I am so glad it's now 6 issues a year. What a bonus! I am waiting for my copy to arrive.
I'm going to have to go right bac through your archives now!!
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