I got 2 fabulous books for christmas, both full of lots of wonderful resources. I have already thought of some special to add to my garment for 2007. The first is Knitwear in Fashion - this was from Grant and it is full of all sorts of familiar and pushing the boundary stuff. The pic on the front cover is of Kate Moss. Took me a while to recognise her.

The second one set of 2 books probably almost broke Ian's arms as he walked home from town with them on a hot Staurday just gone. It's the 2 volume Fashion - a history from the 18th to the 20th Centuryfrom the Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute published by Taschen.

It's a wonderful collection of fashion which I know I shall refer to for ever. The first volume starts with stomachers so my little brain is festering with ideas - for later.

Hope everyone else is having an excellent and relaxing time - where-ever.
You lucky thing Dale - they look lovely. The fashion volumes look gorgeous and I don't make clothes! Just added thi sto my amazon wishlist though for future consideration! Have a great holiday and new year
My daughter's head just exloded with envy..she has a one voloume Taschen book about The Kyoto fashion collection.I drool horribly at everything by Paul Poiret , she drools at everything. I think a little trip to the bookshop is on for tomorrow. Angie in U.K who bought some "Fiesta" packs from you.
Goodies arrived today, thanks Dale, what are black agapanthus? I have never heard of black ones. The fashion books look fantastic, and I have been to Kyoto three times and have never got to the museum, how lax of me. Hope you have an exciting New Year.
Ooh! I love that 2nd fashion book. I think it's a 'must have' one.
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