The latest issue of Quilting Arts arrived this afternoon but don't ask me what is in it as I have been too busy processing as many as possible to get them out. Nearly half way through with the rest to go tomorrow. Exciting to see it arrive but always exhausting getting them posted.
Caitlin asked about our window. The stained glass, which is probably original (house is circa 1895), was coming adrift. I think the guy before us had done his own botched job of soldering and with the banging shut of the door and general ageing (we have been here 14 years), it was very flexible to say the least and in danger of actually falling out. So that's why it's in surgery.... When it comes back I will indeed take a pic from the indoors and post it.
I see that Auckland has knocked back the new rugby stadium and gone back to good old Eden Park. Incidentally, there will be no more rugby results for a while - I can hear you all weeping tears of ............
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