
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

new tricks for old dogs

And what was it that was worrying me? I should have believed Ian - it is easy. We have hired 2 vans for the show this year - to make life easier especially at the end when Ian has to work away trying to get everything into one van and the rest around me in the car. So here we are - a 2 van fleet family for a few days. That's me at the driver's seat....
Our kangaroo paws are almost all okay now - just mothering a couple but there are loads of flowers getting ready - it will be a fabulous display when they are all out.
tonight we are packing two vans for a 7am departure to the Claremont Showgrounds in the morning, unpack then back for breakfast and the second lot later but all in ,hopefully, a more relaxed mode rather than packing like crazy and getting there with the first load at 4pm. I shall even have a chicken curry for dinner when we get back tomorrow night. The most difficult part is getting my stuff together for my artists working area which Mareene tells me is rather big but that might mean I don't have to be neat and tidy......

I am trying to think up a tricky question for the Friday WAzzie bags. Do you think anyone will know who my favourite All Black is?


Robin Mac said...

Of course you could drive a van with panache Dale, you are a woman after all!! The kangaroo paws look lovely, did you find out what is making some of them droop? Hope the show is very successful for you. cheers, Robin

Heather said...

That's a great van and you look so at home in the driving seat - hope all goes well at Claremont. I think that's a good question for the WAzzie bags. Glad the kangaroo paws are recovering.

Penny said...

Heavens Dale if I can drive a truck you can drive a van, I can also drive a car with float attached, but have never managed to back it! Always someone to do that for me!!

Judy said...


What a great idea, and no reason at at all you cant drive a van, hope it is an easier pack-up both ways.

Ev said...

I will see you on Sunday - first time ever I haven't made it to the Friday show...


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