When we were in Wales I bought a fabulous book compiled and illustrated by Jackie Morris called Classic Poems. All the wonderful poems I know so well and which hopefully are still being exposed to our children today (although I am not so sure about this) - Jackie's drawings are so delightful that even though it was a heavy book (aren't they always when you are on holiday with not much weight space) I just had to indulge myself.
Jackie Morris If you go there you will be delighted. Jackie shows some of her processes. I found this book at St David's Cathedral where there was a display of her new book drawings. I forget the name of it but her drawings are wonderful.
We have had another very busy day today but at least I can say that the orders on my part (the filling of them) is all up to date. Ian's invoicing side is a little behind though. This is because he has helped Jim paint the oil on the decking - yes the decking is all complete and looks wonderful and as an extra bonus, the book shelf making man delivered all of the bookcase bits and pieces and I have started moving my books into it. I will pop some more pics up tomorrow but tonight we had a very pleasant bbq and appropriate drop of Elderton's red wine from our cellar to celebrate. I have been buying Elderton's wines for many years. When our boys were 15 and 16 or so, we took them to Adelaide to a 420 sailing nationals and as a reward to ourselves after the regatta (remember we drove them all the way over in our 1976 Kingswood Station Wagon - how Australian could one be - and were getting ready to drive them all the way back to Perth) but it was an incredible day - a severe heatwave and highly unsuitable for an outside picnic so at one stage we ended up at Eldertons in the Barossa Valley and popped in for a test taste leaving our cherubs in the hot hot car. Not being backward boys they soon appeared for a cold drink. Since those days I have regularly bought a dozen or so of their wines a couple of times a year. We have some pretty old ones and they are indeed a nice drop. Grant and Bruce know that they are indeed "untouchable" or I hope they do.......
Elderton Wines for anyone interested......
1 comment:
Dale thank you for that wonderful site of Jackie Morris's I am loving it and the book sounds fabulous. I am envious of your nearly completed studio, everytime I do anything in my 'room' I have to move something out of the way. I am going to have to seriously think about where next.John says he is not going to build a house just for me!
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