I have been invited by Deborah Segaert from Down Under Quilts to contribute to the Bid-4A-Cause Auction in aid of Breast Cancer in October. I am no quilter as everyone knows but I have started my little effort on the embellisher - lots to do yet - I am still thinking about the goddess part but so far some gold for her. This is the start of the background and I am sure I will come up with some more before I have finished - I have pulled out everything pink and have some knitting and hand stitching to do next.
Thanks for all the lovely comments and emails about my customer from hell. I doubt that she will ever read my blog but it's nice to know that really I am not blind freddie or even his mate.
It's raining heaps still here and Ian still hasn't been able to stop the incessant drips into the kitchen - our life is spent hopping around towels. Not quite the time to be cutting up Romeo.
Our new web section Pretty Little Things is underway and it has been exciting to see people ordering from it - Ian whips them off and I give him some more. It has bothered us both for ages wondering how to display these very individualistic treats.
I am still walnutting - hand stitch at present.
Your non-quilt quilt is going to be beautiful Dale and I look forward to seeing it's progress. Sorry you are still being dripped on - water is the very devil to stop when it has made up its mind to go somewhere. Plastic macs with hoods is the only answer!
It looks like an excellent start.
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