Once you get past all the new silly 40 signs ringed with flashing lights, Beaufort Street is still a good place to eat and drink in and buy your flowers and food and stuff. It is our local 'village' and where we do almost all of our shopping apart from meat from Torres of course.
We decided to try the Beaufort Street Merchant for dinner last night. It was wet and stuff but we were feeling lazy.... the Merchant started out as a gourmet food and wine shop - in previous lives it was the World Gourmet Centre and when we first came to WA I used to buy all my spices and stuff there. We have had coffee here from time to time but not been for ages. In the meantime Scott and Angie have built it up to wine and food and not too much gourmet stuff. The cafe has grown and so has the kitchen area. You buy your wine there and they charge you $8 corkage. We had whiting and chips and I must say the fish was superb - and for $19 - cheaper than takeaway fish and chips from Kailis and closer too. So when we feel like fish'nchips in future we know just where to go. Plus the waitress was a very nice girl from Normandy...
Whilst on the subject - last week we decided to go to Veritas again - having had a truly dreadful meal previously we haven't been back for ages. Dried chicken breast is not even what I could cook and for the price.... so we braved it, had a wonderful steak and tasting plate and gave it the big thumbs up. The lovely French waitress we had met before was back too. Veritas should be good - we have watched it while it was being fitted out and waited patiently. At the beginning the service was dreadful and the wait for food outrageous so it is good to see that all can be well. I found a great blog - the beaufort street bloggers - see link on right - there are some interesting reviews and we are totally in sinc with them whoever they are!
It's been pretty wild and wet and the water is still getting into the kitchen but the sun is out and Ian is going up onto the roof to smear his sealing stuff everywhere in the hope that......
Love the Beaufort Street Bloggers site.
You're making me hungry and it's an hour to go to lunchtime! Hope Ian finds all those tiny gaps and you stay dry.
We went to Lidos Vietnamese on Beaufort for dinner on Saturday night and had a wonderfull meal with son #1 and his partner Kaiti. My brother has just finished the Fastnet race in UK and came 2nd in class of boat J109 and we were blogging at all hours - tracking him was great fun. Now I can get back to sewing. Gill
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